
I just got through changing almost all of my 1200+ photos on Flickr from an all rights reserved license (the default) to the CC BY-NC-SA license. That is, Attribution (BY), Non-Commercial (NC), and Share Alike (SA). Breaking that down, this quite simply means:

  1. Attribution: If you use my work, you must attribute it to me.
  2. Non-Commercial: My work may not be used for commercial purposes.
  3. Share Alike: If you create a derivative work based on my work, you must release that under this or a similar license.

Why on earth would I simply give my work away like this? My primary motivation is exposure. I feel that releasing my works like this will bring more attention to my work. Plain and simple. I’ve been inspired by artists like Nina Paley and musicians who share their music on sites like Jamendo — all under Creative Commons licensing.

I chose this particular license because I feel it is the most fair to all parties involved. For example, I do not collect model releases from any of my subjects. This would be quite difficult in situations such as the Des Moines Farmers’ Market or shooting on the streets of places like San Francisco. Therefore, the Non-Commercial clause is pretty much required.

Attribution to me is the very least anyone can do to repay me for my work, and it is all I ask from these photos I present on Flickr and this blog.

Share Alike, while a restriction on the freedom to use these works, is also a small price to pay for remixing my works and creating your own from them. Think of it as paying it forward. I gave freely of my work, so you must do the same.

Finally, my intention of seeking attention is without ambition. I’m simply sharing my work and hoping for a greater audience.

Inspired by Alton Brown’s most recent episode of Good Eats: The Once and Future Fish, I did a little research into eating sustainably produced and ethically caught seafood.

Alton’s episode referenced a project by the Monterey Bay Aquarium called This site keeps you up to date on which varieties of seafood you should enjoy and which you should avoid. Especially handy are the mobile-accessible resources including an iPhone app and mobile versions of their pocket guides (also available as regional PDF guides).

Most of the fish I enjoy are, thankfully, on The Super Green List, but a few were not. Most notably, I will no longer be ordering Unagi, which I used to enjoy at my favorite sushi joints.

The site makes clear that it is not only the type of seafood which is important, but also how it was raised and harvested. Due to stricter regulations, seafood farmed in the United States or harvested by U.S. flagged ships is often preferred. Wasteful harvesting practices in other parts of the world make it important for you to ask three important questions of your fishmonger or restaurateur:

  • What is the origin of the seafood?
  • Was it farm raised or wild caught?
  • If wild caught, what method was used?

That last question is especially important when it comes to protecting endangered species which tend to get accidentally caught while fishing for the target.

I could go on, but I’ll stop here with the hope that I’ve passed along my inspiration to you. Research your options and don’t be afraid to ask these important questions before you order!

I’ve got a couple of ideas boiling in my head, building up pressure. I’ll be letting them out on this site over the next month or so. In the mean time, here are some updates on older posts.

  • 420 Picture Of The Day# is up to 23 pics.
  • CIALUG meeting minutes for April are missing ‘cause there wasn’t much discussed.
  • For Good Places to Eat in the Des Moines Area add Daddy O’s to the list. Close to my home, and they have Yam Fries! Yummy!
  • Tip: Catching up on podcasts at 2x speed works, but only if you don’t get too far behind. Had to perform some triage on my back log of podcasts this week.
  • SomaFM donation required me to sign up again for PayPal. UGH. Guess that just shows how much I like SomaFM, right?

SomaFM has been streaming audio live on the Internet since 1995. I discovered them around 1997-1999 and have been listening off and on since then.

They have several channels, but I tend to listen to either Secret Agent or Groove Salad. They also have Techno, Rock, Lounge and several other styles available. They stream each station at several quality levels, so even if you have a lower bandwidth connection you can enjoy their broadcast.

They really, really need help. If you’ve listened to SomaFM in the past, please consider donating to them. If you’ve never listened to them, please give them a try. If you find yourself listening to them more and more like I did, please support them!

Sitting here wondering what I’m going to write for this blog next when it hits me (in my ears) — Coverville!

Even though I don’t listen to every single episode of this excellent podcast, I’m going to put it at the top of my list as my favorite. How is that possible? Brian Ibbott pumps out several 40+ minute podcasts each week. With such a prolific output, I just can’t keep up!

I will confess that I skip some episodes simply because I’m not in to the particular artist or artists being featured. That is not, however, a Bad Thing. In fact, I would call it a good thing for you, my reader. It means that Brian does a good job of “covering” various styles and genres of music — virtually guaranteeing you will be able to find an episode you really dig.

As I write this, I’m listening to episode #553! I encourage you to search through this extensive catalog — every single episode is still available.