My wife and I were very fortunate to be guests of the EverFi sponsored ThorSport #98 driven by Dakota Armstrong. I traveled light with my point-and-shoot, but still managed to get a few photos of the inspection process.

As you may know, the session catalog for VMWorld 2012 came out a few days ago. I just took a few moments to peruse the catalog and pick out a list of sessions I though sounded interesting. I still need to prioritize and weed out this list before session registration begins. I will also need to reconcile the sessions I attend with my desire to complete a lot more of the hands on lab sessions than I did at VMWorld 2010. I’m hoping to be more of a lab rat this time around!
In no particular order, here are the sessions on my list so far:
If you plan on going, but haven’t registered yet, hop to it!
Just had to whip out a quick blog post about my experience installing the dead-simple Yubikey plugin for WordPress. It really is as easy as the Installation page states:
I only had one issue, but it was minor. After installing the plugin per the directions above, my login screen had a message stating that Yubikey authentication was disabled because I was missing the PHP Curl and Hash modules. A quick ‘sudo apt-get install php5-curl phg5-mhash; sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart’ later, and I was good to go!
Finally, the updated URL for generating a Yubico API key. You need to complete step 1 first, however, because you’ll need to provide an OTP and an e-mail address to generate the API key.
It has been awhile. I didn’t get too many photos from this Farmers Market.
As always, please visit my Flickr Set, or click on each photo below to go directly to it on Flickr. Please share and enjoy these photos, and remember that they are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike (BY-NC-SA) license.