
100% my photos.

First photowalk of the new year! I walked along with the Des Moines Flickr Friend Photowalk Group, with about 30 people showing. I set myself two challenges for this walk:

  1. No Chimping!
  2. No Color!

I was successful at keeping myself from chimping (looking at the photo on the camera screen right after taking it). In fact, I didn’t see any of my photos until I popped the CF card into my computer at home. While I did not use the monochrome setting on the camera, I did post-process all of my images in black and white.

As always, please Share and Enjoy! Here is the Photo Set page on Flickr, or you can click on any of the following images to go direct to it.


Launch Together



Not dressed for the weather

Don't Mind Me. . .

Gig Stickers

Took a stroll around the Des Moines Farmers Market this morning and grabbed a few shots here and there.

As always, please visit my Flickr Set for more photos or click on each below to go directly to it on Flickr. Please share and enjoy these photos, and remember that they are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike (BY-NC-SA) license

Bug having a meal




First off, I’ve got to thank Matt Breitbach (@mjbreitbach on Twitter) for the tip to take photos at this location. Sorry he couldn’t join me today for this mini photowalk.

As always, please visit my Flickr Set for more photos or click on each below to go directly to it on Flickr. Please share and enjoy these photos, and remember that they are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike (BY-NC-SA) license






