I’ve been meaning to post these for quite some time. Here are some of the very first shots I took the day I got my Canon 50D. All I had available at that time was an old 80 MB CF card, so I could only take about 5 pictures at a time until the larger card I had ordered arrived. These are still some of my favorite photos from this camera. Enjoy!
All posts tagged photos
Went to the first Winter Market of 2009 and tried to take more photos of people. Here are a few of my fav’es.
Back from vacation in Seattle, WA. Click on any of the following to be take to my Flickr photo set.
Browse many more photos are posted on my Flickr set for this trip!
I may have bragging rights on this. I saw a few other folks in the park taking photos with point-and-shoots, but none were there with an SLR. Hopefully, I’ve done it justice.
I’ve uploaded several versions of four different photos — including the un-retouched versions as they came from the camera for comparison.
Please enjoy! I will try to add more over the next week or so.
Sixty photos sounded like a good, round number for the final photo in this project.
Now I need to figure out what to do for my next photo-related project. Hmm.